Drakestown (in Morris County, NJ) Populated Place Profile


Drakestown: Basic Facts & Information

Drakestown is a populated place located within the Township of Washington, a minor civil division (MCD) of Morris County.

Drakestown appears on the Hackettstown U.S. Geological Survey Map. Morris County is in the Eastern Time Zone (UTC -5 hours).

Morris County: Subdivisions (MCDs) | Cities & Towns | ZIP Codes | Features (airports, churches, hospitals, etc.)

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Mapped Location of Drakestown

BIG Map | Driving Directions | Terrain Map | Satellite Map

BOUNDARY MAPS: Township of Washington | Morris County

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  1. Get Current Demographic Data for Cities, Towns, and ZIP Codes
  2. View Boundary Maps, for Cities, Towns, and ZIP Codes
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Nearby Cities, Towns & Census Designated Places

Hackettstown, NJ (2.4 miles WNW)
Budd Lake, NJ (3.1 miles NE)
Beattystown, NJ (3.9 miles WSW)
Beattystown, NJ (3.9 miles WSW)
Long Valley, NJ (4.1 miles S)
Flanders, NJ (4.5 miles E)
Netcong, NJ (5.5 miles NE)
Panther Valley, NJ (5.5 miles NW)
Allamuchy, NJ (5.6 miles NNW)
Stanhope, NJ (5.6 miles NE)

Nearby Neighborhoods, Subdivisions & Other Small Populated Places

Mount Olive, NJ (2.7 miles ENE)
Schooleys Mountain, NJ (3.4 miles SSW)
Saxton Falls, NJ (3.4 miles NNW)
Bartley, NJ (3.6 miles ESE)
Springtown, NJ (3.6 miles S)
Naughright, NJ (3.9 miles SSE)
Sutton Park, NJ (4.3 miles ESE)
Petersburg, NJ (4.7 miles WNW)
Weirtown, NJ (4.7 miles NNW)
Pleasant Hill, NJ (5.1 miles ESE)

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