New Jersey Lakes


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Lake - Natural body of inland water (backwater, lac, lagoon, laguna, oxbow, pond, pool, resaca, tank, tarn, waterhole).
Displaying 1 to 75 of 351 records Next 75 Records
Name County
Adams Lake Passaic
Adams Lake Burlington
Adler Pool Passaic
Agros Lake Warren
Alexanders Pond Passaic
Arapaho Lake Sussex
Arnold Pond Ocean
Arrowhead Lake Morris
Barbour Pond Passaic
Bargaintown Pond Atlantic
Barry Lakes Sussex
Baum Pond Gloucester
Bay Ponds Cumberland
Bayshore Lagoon Atlantic
Bear Pond Sussex
Bearfort Waters Passaic
Beaver Lake Sussex
Bee Meadow Pond Morris
Beisers Pond Sussex
Bell Lake Gloucester
Best Lake Somerset
Big Goose Pond Atlantic
Big Pine Lake Burlington
Big Spring Sussex
Black River Pond Morris
Blue Hole Gloucester
Bogues Pond Passaic
Bottom Lake Camden
Bowlby Pond Morris
Bridge Pond Passaic
Browns Pond Morris
Brownwood Pond Morris
Bubbling Spring Lake Passaic
Buckabear Pond Passaic
Buckmire Pond Sussex
Butchers Pond Passaic
Butler Pond Essex
Buttonwood Lake Burlington
Cable Lake Essex
Cannonball Lake Bergen
Catfish Pond Sussex
Cedar Brook Lake Union
Cedar Lake Gloucester
Cedar Lake Warren
Cedar Pond Atlantic
Clark Pond Morris
Clark Pond Bergen
Clarks Pond Essex
Clement Lake Camden
Clint Millpond Cape May
Clots Lake Passaic
Clove Acres Lake Sussex
Coles Pond Bergen
Collins Lower Tide Pond Ocean
Collins Pond Sussex
Collins Upper Tide Pond Ocean
Comeys Lake Gloucester
Conkling Pond Morris
Conrad Pond Bergen
Cooper Lake Gloucester
Cooper Lake Morris
Cooper Pond Bergen
Cooper River Lake Camden
Country Club Ponds Passaic
Courtney Ponds Cumberland
Crater Lake Sussex
Crestmere Lake Morris
Crystal Lake Essex
Cub Lake Sussex
Dahnerts Lake Bergen
Dators Pond Bergen
Daveys Lake Cape May
Deal Lake Monmouth
Decou Pond Burlington
Deep Hollow Pond Burlington
Page 1 2 3 4 5 Next 75 Records
